Habitat Restoration Program
The Habitat Restoration Program creates and manages habitat for plants and wildlife. Our goal is to restore Pacific Northwest habitats by conducting on-the-ground restoration, developing ecologically appropriate seed sources, cultivating partnerships that promote regional conservation, and advancing innovative and research-based restoration techniques. We also develop and implement site specific management and restoration plans.
Examples of projects we conduct include:
- Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly
- Habitat restoration in Willamette Valley prairies to support wildlife, pollinators, and endangered species
- Restoration of coastal grasslands to support at-risk butterflies, such as the Oregon Silverspot
- Partnering with local tribes to conduct restoration that includes culturally significant plants
- Contribute to the recovery of threatened and endangered species through their reintroduction, including propagation or captive rearing, release into wild sites, and follow-up monitoring
- Control and suppress the spread of invasive species through local eradication and broader partnerships