May 22, 2019

Restoration of Willamette Valley Upland Prairies at Fern Ridge Reservoir

Gray, Erin C. and Matt A. Bahm | 2018

Executive Summary This document summarizes long-term monitoring and provides management recommendations for prairie restoration efforts at Fern Ridge Reservoir on lands managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers.  Quantitative

Executive Summary

This document summarizes long-term monitoring and provides management recommendations for prairie restoration efforts at Fern Ridge Reservoir on lands managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers.  Quantitative and/or qualitative monitoring has occurred annually since 2008, dependent upon whether treatment actions have occurred.  In 2018, we quantitatively monitored 9 sites: Big Spires, West Spires, East Spires, Cherry Orchard, West Shore, East Shore, North Eaton, South Eaton, and Middle Green Oaks.