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IAE Volunteer Event

Farm Volunteer Day: Planting Western Dog Violet (Viola adunca)

March 28 @ 9:00 am 2:00 pm

Please join the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) at the USDA Forestry Sciences Lab for an early spring farm volunteer day! We will be planting Western Dog violet (viola adunca) in raised beds.  Western Dog Violet is a low growing, native perennial forb. It bears heart-shaped leaves, often hairy, and vibrant blue-purple nodding flowers. The plant holds cultural significance and is a host plant for moths and butterflies. In particular, this violet is the primary food source for the endangered Oregon Silverspot butterfly! Viola adunca seed grown and collected by IAE will support US Forest Service coastal projects. This is a great opportunity to learn more about native plants and plant materials development in the Willamette Valley.

  • When: Thursday, March 28, 2024 between 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Where: USDA Forestry Sciences Lab, Corvallis, Oregon.
  • Work to be completed: Planting Western Dog violet (viola adunca) in raised beds.
  • What to bring: Full lunch, water, gloves, rain gear as needed. All volunteers (or their parent/guardian if the volunteer is a minor) must fill out IAE’s volunteer release form.

No special skills are required for this work, just good attitudes and smiles! The raised beds are accessible to those not comfortable working on their hands and knees. Activities will include lifting trays, handling plugs of Western Dog violet (viola adunca), and reaching into beds to dig and plant—most tasks can be modified to meet volunteer needs. We will be planting rain or shine!

If you are interested in volunteering (large and small groups are welcome to join) or have questions about this opportunity, please contact Evan Lasley at [email protected] Please make sure to RSVP so we can be certain to bring sufficient gloves for the day.