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IAE Volunteer Event

Sagebrush Boxing Volunteer Day

October 24, 2024 @ 8:30 am 1:30 pm

Join us on October 24 as we send off sagebrush seedlings in support of habitat for the Greater Sage Grouse! IAE grows over 10,000 sagebrush plants in conetainers at Oregon’s only minimum security prison for women. Now it’s time to pack up our seedlings into boxes for transport to Klamath Falls, where they will be planted in post-fire restoration sites. This restoration work party is a great opportunity to help threatened wildlife and learn more about IAE’s Conservation in Prisons Program.

Event Details

  • When: Thursday, October 24, 8:30am – 1:30pm
  • Where: Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville, OR. We will be working in an unheated hoop house with some protection from wind and rain. The hoop house is outside the perimeter of the prison, so this event not require entering the facility itself.
  • Bring: Warm clothes for standing outdoors, lunch and drinks. Some snacks will be provided. You will have access to a bathroom and place to refill water. Do not wear anything blue or bring anything vaguely weapon-like (including knives, glass, etc.).
RSVP to Frederick Livingston at [email protected] by October 15th. We will send you a background check form to complete prior to your visit. Please fill out a volunteer release form in addition to the background check form. Exact location will be provided on confirmation. Limited carpooling from Corvallis may be available. We welcome any questions you might have.