December 3, 2014

Restoring rare native habitats in the Willamette Valley

Campbell, Bruce H. | 2004

In this volume you will find detailed guidance on the mechanics of re-establishing functioning examples of the Willamette Valley’s rare native habitats. Much of the information is drawn from a

In this volume you will find detailed guidance on the mechanics of re-establishing functioning examples of the Willamette Valley’s rare native habitats. Much of the information is drawn from a wide variety of published sources, in some cases from other regions if no more local knowledge was available. But much of it is also the product of on-the-ground experience here in the valley, often the result of trial-and-error, a distillation of lessons learned over the years by Bruce Campbell and other practitioners of the science, art, and craft of habitat restoration. Bruce and his colleagues would be the first to tell you they are still learning; there is no simple recipe for restoring these complex systems, and this is not a cookbook. It is, however, the best set of guidance on the subject we have seen. We hope readers will put it to good use in working to create new places for nature and wildlife in the Willamette Valley.