Nevada Partners
NNCC: Northern Nevada Correctional Center
- NNCC is a medium custody facility in Carson City, NV.
- In 2019, inmates sowed and delivered 88,000 Wyoming big sagebrush for Sage-grouse habitat in Nevada.
- NNCC Unit 5 grew 55,000, and Unit 3 33,000 sagebrush.
WSCC: Warm Springs Correctional Center
- WSCC is a medium security prison in Carson City, NV.
- In 2019, inmates sowed and delivered 76,000 sagebrush for for Sage-grouse habitat in Nevada
LCC: Lovelock Correctional Center
- LCCÂ houses medium custody general population inmates and close-custody protective segregation inmates, along with a separate unit housing a small number of minimum security inmates.
- In 2019, inmates sowed and delivered 43,000 sagebrush for Sage-grouse habitat in Nevada
- Read a letter sent to us from Lynn Huffman, an inmate at Lovelock CC, about his first hand experience in the sagebrush project