ISCC: Idaho State Correctional Center
Growing 54,768 native plants for Sage-grouse habitat.
- ISCC is the largest prison in Idaho, housing maximum, medium, and minimum custody male offenders. It is located at Kuna, Idaho, near Boise.
- A team of 2 – 40 inmates in the medium security facility work on seed sowing and day-to-day care of the plants.
- In 2015 , ISCC grew a total of 53, 950 sagebrush for Idaho and Oregon BLM.
- In 2016 ISCC grew 60,000 plants: Wyoming big sagebrush and bitterbrush.
- In 2017 ISCC grew 70,000 plants: Wyoming big sagebrush and bitterbrush.
- In 2018 the ISCC sagebrush crew grew 59,504 sagebrush and bitterbrush plants.
- In 2019, ISCC grew 54,768 plants: 50,568 Wyoming big sagebrush and 4,200 bitterbrush.