Riley Lysinger
Sagebrush Propagation and Education Technician
[email protected]
Riley is the Sagebrush Propagation and Education Technician for the Sagebrush in Prisons Project in Lakeview, Oregon. She works to educate adults in custody on the importance of habitats created by sagebrush. Through hands-on ecological education, adults in custody sow seeds and care for plants as they mature. Her position oversees the propagation of over 60,000 sagebrush and other native plants, grown from seed and planted by IAE’s partners at restoration sites across the region.
Riley was born and raised in an amazing military family which moved every three years—where she gained an understanding of how large and diverse the world is from a young age. Once she settled in Idaho, she obtained a B.S. in Environmental Studies from Boise State University. While pursuing her education, she also coordinated clean-up events and hikes in her community to spread awareness of the harm humans can have on the environment. After Riley and her husband graduated, they decided it was time to buy a house and start building a homestead—which is what brought them to Lakeview, Oregon! When she is not picking up rubbish or helping her husband, Blaine, work on their house, Riley loves reading, working on her indoor/outdoor garden, looking for spiders, baking, and crafting.