Laura Brophy
Director, Estuary Technical Group
[email protected]
Laura Brophy provides state and regional leadership in coastal wetland restoration and conservation for Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. She is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist with over 25 years of field experience in habitats ranging from Pacific Northwest coastal forests and estuaries to tropical rainforests and high desert. As owner and principal of Green Point Consulting and Director of the Estuary Technical Group at the Institute for Applied Ecology, she generates and distributes scientific data and guidance to assist restoration practitioners and policymakers. Laura’s project focus is multi-scale, including strategic planning for tidal wetland conservation and restoration at regional, state, and basin scales, and site-scale restoration design, monitoring and implementation. At Oregon State University’s College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, she conducts and directs research to advance restoration science and bridge the research-application divide. Laura received her B.S. from Carleton College and her M.S. from the University of Minnesota.